Sunday, January 8, 2012

Virgin Railhead 03

Rather than fuss with structures, thought I should get some context: fast.  So I dismantled an old shipping crate and salvaged some 1/4" plywood.  Built some "L" girders with that thin material, and fashioned a ladder frame.  Fortunately, I had a brainwave, and realized that 3'-0" was not going to cut it, since the clear space of a 3'-0" door is more on the order of 34", less if the door can not fully overlay the wall in the room it is swinging in to.  So, 30" wide it is.  Since I lost 6" in width, I treated myself to another 4" in length.  Not full compensation, but a little.

Roadbed is a fairly traditional spline arrangement.  I "transfered" the plan by eye. . .having sketched it twice I have a pretty good feel for it.  As I get things firmed up, I am adding sub levels for the future terrain.  Already have a neat idea for how to work the pickle facility in.

The road is 40' wide--narrower than I wanted, but, when I add the irrigation ditches, it will get bigger.  Given the montage method of construction, I will need to do a few revisions--but that should not be too much trouble.

Probably will need to leave this be for a bit, as the coming week is very busy, maybe back at it tonight.

. . . And, I did manage to get back--a little further on filling in some holes:

Running out of scraps though. . . . . enough for one night.

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